Presentations by Zosia Beckles, Michele Voznick and Tessa Darbyshire on Responsible Data Management: Legal & Ethical Aspects as part of the Fail to Nail it sessions.
Presentation by Rob Gommans on GDPR and the Processing of (Identifiable) Image, Audio, and Video Data for Scientific Research Purposes.
Presentation by Stephan Heunis on Brain research data and personal data privacy: practical tips to share and protect.
Presentation by Walter Scholger on the GDPR with resources such as informed consent templates (18:30 - 38:50).
Presentation on handling personal data by Enrico Glerean and Päivi Lindström from Aalto University. See here for the full course.
Presentation on the GDPR by Rosalie Salameh.
Presentation and article on privacy by design.
Presentation on Ethical and legal issues in data sharing by Hina Zahid.
Slides by Hanne Elsen on Privacy and the GDPR in the Research Life Cycle.
Slides on ‘How to share qualitative data: videos and interviews’.
Workshop materials on data de-identification procedures for data sharing.
Sensitive Data - from Elixir’s RDMKit.
Presentation by Manolis Terrovitis on data anonymisation made easy.
Anonymisation and Personal Data by the Finnish Social Science Data Archive.
ARDC guide on Publishing Sensitive Data.
Qualitative Data Repository Guidance on Human Participants.
Data Privacy Handbook for researchers dealing with personal data at Utrecht University (NL) and beyond (work in progress).
- Meyer, M. (2018). Practical Tips for Ethical Data Sharing. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(1), 131--144. 10.1177/2515245917747656
- Tsai, A. C., Kohrt, B. A., Matthews, L. T., Betancourt, T. S., Lee, J. K., Papachristos, A. V., Weiser, S. D., Dworkin, M., Shari L. Petre, & Wilson, G. (2016). Promises and pitfalls of data sharing in qualitative research. Social Science & Medicine, 191–198. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.08.004
- ARDC. (2022). Publishing Sensitive Data. Zenodo. 10.5281/ZENODO.7259742