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A permanent document exists in the HackMD: that is regularly updated with the empty template for the next event.

The Turing Way online Collaboration Cafe | DATE MONTH YEAR

Thank you for joining the Turing Way’s online Collaboration Cafe! We’re delighted to have you here ☕️✨🎂

(We do recommend bringing your actual tea, coffee, water or your favorite beverage to this cafe! :smile:)

What? The Turing Way is a lightly opinionated guide to reproducible data science and research. This collaboration cafe aims to engage with researchers interested in learning and sharing more about this topic in an online book:

Read more about it here:

Who? Everyone interested in reproducible, ethical, and inclusive data science and research are welcome to join the full or any part of The Turing Way project, community, and/or this call.

When? DD Month YYYY, HH:MM BST (link for local time from

How? Zoom link will be provided 10 minutes before the call

All questions, comments and recommendations are welcome!

Code of conduct

Pomodoro timer for this session

Sign up below

Name + an emoji to represent it (emoji cheatsheet)

(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you’d prefer.)

Conversation Starters

Advertise and promote your event, or anything exciting you’re working on.


Start👋 Welcome, code of conduct review
10 minsIntroductions and personal goal setting
20 mins🍅 1st Pomodoro session
5 mins☕️ Break
20 mins🍅 2nd Pomodoro session
5 mins☕️ Break
20 mins🍅 3rd Pomodoro session
5 mins☕️ Break
30 minsOpen discussion: celebrations, reflections and future directions
5 mins👋 Close


Breakout rooms: Topic proposals

If you have an idea for a topic you’d like to discuss in a breakout room, please add it below and put your name next to it. If you like one of the topics that is already suggested, please add your name next to that one. Team work makes the dream work. For more information about breakout rooms see the description on The Turing Way.

Topic for breakout / Names

Notes and questions

Feedback at the end of the call

Wondering where to start?

Here are a few suggestions for a good first contributions: