- Do I know what laws apply to my work?
- Do I know what policies apply to my work?
- Have I read relevant policies on ethical research?
- Have I asked the Policy and Governance teams at my organisation or institution for advice or support?
- Does my work respect and protect human rights?
- Does my work fulfil human rights?
Further reading¶
- Artificial Intelligence: What’s Human Rights Got To Do With It? (Blog post by Christiaan van Veen and Corinne Cath)
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Putting Human Rights at the Heart of the Design, Development and Deployment of Artificial Intelligence (The Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project, University of Essex, UK)
- Algorithms and Human Rights - Study on the human rights dimension of automated data processing techniques and possible regulatory implications (Council of Europe)
- Data Feminism (book by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein)
- Article 8: Respect for your private and family life (UK Equality and Human Rights Commission)
- General Comment No. 16 Article 17 (The right to respect of privacy, family, home and correspondence, and protection of honour and reputation) 1988 (HRI/GEN/1/Rev9) (UN Human Rights Committee)
- Toonen v Australia (Summary of successful case brought by Nicholas Toonen against the criminalisation of homosexual sex in Tasmania in 1994)