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The Turing Way works in collaboration and formal partnership with many communities and organisations. The project also receives in-kind support through contributions from members who represent their communities, projects or organisations in The Turing way. These contributions may take different forms, such as sharing of practices, co-creating documentation, designing workshops and presentations, co-hosting events, creating illustrations, providing mentorship, leading or contributing to sub-projects and co-developing other resources. Some of these contributions also include projects that build alongside or upon The Turing Way resources or collaborate with The Turing Way team members in various capacities. We acknowledge each of these contributing members individually and list their profiles under “Collaborating organisations and projects”.

Delft University of Technology - Faculty of Applied Sciences

The Faculty of Applied Sciences is the largest of the Delft University of Technology and focuses on finding innovative solutions to some of the problems faced by society. Development of the fundamental knowledge needed to underpin technical developments that can be widely used throughout society. In ensuring that this knowledge can be shared effectively with the wider society, the Faculty values the sharing of data and code and has a Research Data Management policy in place since 2020. In this effort, the contributions from the Faculty of Applied Sciences have mainly focused on the Reproducible Research Chapter of The Turing Way.


  • Esther Plomp, Data Steward, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.

Netherlands eScience Center

The Netherlands eScience Center is the Dutch national hub for the development and application of domain overarching software and methods for the scientific community. Their main goal is to enable scientists with varying computing experiences to fully utilize the potential of the available e-infrastructure and allow them to achieve otherwise unreachable scientific breakthroughs. The Netherlands eScience Center is primarily funded by the National Research Council (NWO) and the National e-infrastructure Organization (SURF) of the Netherlands.

The Netherlands eScience Center maintains its own guide for reproducible software development. The focus of the eScience Centre guide has a big overlap with The Turing Way and therefore it makes sense to avoid duplicating efforts. The eScience centre contributes to The Turing Way in the areas which are relevant to the eScience guide. The eScience guide points to The Turing Way in which information would otherwise be duplicated.


OLS (previously Open Life Science)

Under the collaboration name OLS-4 for Turing, The Turing Way collaborates with OLS, a programme that helps individuals and stakeholders in research to become Open Science ambassadors. This collaboration offers training and mentoring to interested members from Turing and The Turing Way communities to join the OLS programme individually or in teams. They develop Open Science aspects in the projects that they either already have been working on or want to develop.

OLS community members have been collaborating with The Turing Way since 2020.


SciLifeLab Data Centre

SciLifeLab, a national resource offering unique technologies and expertise to life scientists in fields like biomedicine, ecology, and evolution in Sweden, seamlessly integrates with our community of researchers, fostering collaborations across traditional boundaries with industry, healthcare, public research organizations, and international partners. The SciLifeLab Data Centre serves as a core division within SciLifeLab, tasked with overseeing IT and data management matters, catering to both SciLifeLab as a whole and the Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) research program. We are committed to ensuring that research outputs such as data and software are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR), adhering to open science principles and best practices, and optimizing the value of these outputs for the scientific community.


Environmental Data Science Book

Environmental Data Science book or EDS book is a living, open and community-driven online resource to showcase and support the publication of data, research and open-source tools for collaborative, reproducible and transparent Environmental Data Science.


  • Alejandro Coca-Castro, Research Fellow, Environment and Sustainability Grand Challenge Research Programme, The Alan Turing Institute

FAIR Cookbook

FAIR Cookbook is an online resource that helps researchers and data managers professionals make their data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). FAIRPlus Cookbook builds on The Turing Way project and community models and provides chapters as “recipes” according to the FAIR elements, audience type, reading time, and level of difficulty.

The Turing Way team members and project’s editorial board members, Susanna-Assunta Sansone and Philippe Rocca-Serra, collaborate to ensure interoperability between the two resources and exchange experiences as open source project developers. FAIR Cookbook features relevant chapters from The Turing Way. Similarly, The Turing Way features the project and provides an impact story titled From FAIR Co-Author to FAIR Doer by Susanna-Assunta Sansone (a co-lead of the FAIR Cookbook project). You can find more details and background in the chapter Leveraging the Turing Way Book.



The NHS-R Community started in 2018 to promote the use of R in the NHS and the community has grown rapidly ever since. It is a community that is broader than the NHS as members come from public sector organisations across the UK, including Local Authorities and Civil Service, as well as academics and voluntary sector people who have an interest in healthcare. Whilst R is a core language for support by the community, there is always support for data science tools more generally, particularly where they cross over with R.

The NHS-R builds on The Turing Way guide model for the NHS-R community to promote the use of R in healthcare. Contributors come from Local Authorities, Civil Service, the Public Sector, Academia, the Voluntary Sector, Charities and individuals with no organisational connection.
